Exhibiting at the KSTA Annual Conference is the most effective way of communicating with the science education community in Kentucky! All vendors will be prominently displayed on our conference website and virtual program. You can also choose to add-on to your registration and have your company logo displayed and linked to your website products/services from our Featured Vendors page until November 2026.
Deadline for session proposals is July 31, 2025. Payment deadline is October 15, 2025 NEXT STEPS1. Complete the Exhibitor AgreementComplete this before registering. You will need to upload the completed agreement during registration. 2. Register as an Exhibitor 3. Register Exhibit Personnel 4. Complete the Conference Session Proposal Form | Advertise in the program and on our website through 2026!Maximize your exposure! Reach our members while showing your support for science education by including your advertisement on our conference website and app, at conference registration (printed and digitally), and throughout the conference in general sessions (digitally) . We will host your information until November 2026 on a special advertisement page available to conference attendees and any visitor to the KSTA website!
Conference Vendors: You can add this option during registration. Looking to purchase ad space only? |
For questions regarding vendors at the conference, please contact:
Kim Zeidler-Watters, Executive Director