KSTA Board Applications

Join the KSTA Board – Make an Impact Beyond the Classroom!

Serving on the KSTA Board is more than just a leadership opportunity – it’s a chance to connect, grow, and make a difference for science education in Kentucky. Hear what some of our current and past board members have to say about the experience:

  • "Making connections not only with other Board members but also with our exhibitors. I do Adopt a Cow with my students, and I didn’t even know that existed!" – Kristi Fehr
  • "It boosted my confidence as a leader and opened up incredible networking opportunities." – Andrea New
  • "The Board provides insight outside my classroom and district – into what other teachers are facing and the resources available in the state to support my teaching." – Barbara Stegman
  • "It allows me to see what’s going on outside my silo." – Jennifer Davis
  • "The best educators in Kentucky are on this Board – I love everyone here!" – Mary Leigh

From expanding your network and gaining valuable insights to strengthening your role as an educator, joining the KSTA Board is a rewarding experience that will help you grow personally and professionally.

Ready to get involved? Let’s work together to ignite curiosity and inspire the next generation of scientists and educators!

The Kentucky Science Teachers Association Board of Directors consists of an Executive Board and two representatives from each of the 11 KSTA districts. 

Responsibilities of KSTA Board Members:

  • Serve for a term of three years 
  • Attend all meetings (January, April and September)
  • Volunteer/work the Annual Conference and other KSTA events as needed
  • Full participate in committee work 
  • Maintain a current KSTA membership or Joint KSTA/NSTA membership 

Support from KSTA:

  • Travel support for face-to-face KSTA meetings and required events
  • Annual Conference registration fee

Are you interested in sharing your leadership skills to support science teaching and learning in Kentucky? 
If so, then consider serving on the KSTA Board.  There are current vacancies in some districts. Applications will remain open until positions are filled.

Current District Vacancies

Middle Cumberland - 2

Purchase - 2

Kentucky River - 2
Apply Now!

You must sign in with a Google account to submit the application form

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The Kentucky Science Teachers Association is an affiliated chapter of the National Science Teaching Association
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 23918, Lexington, KY 40523
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